First Trip To Bologna 1978 / Last Trip To Venice 1985


Measurements: 16.5 x 24.4 cm

Format: Softcover

Condition: New

In 1973, Seiichi Furuya left Japan for Europe where he first settled in Vienna, Austria before relocating to Graz where he met Christine Gössler 5 years later. Gossler became Furuya’s photographic muse as he documented her in the intimacy of their home in Graz but also during their travels abroad. After the birth of their son in 1981, Gossler started to show signs of schizophrenia. She committed suicide in East Berlin in 1985.

Since Christine’s death, Furuya has never stopped revisiting his archive. This book serves as a visual recording of the very first trip he made with Christine, in Bologna in 1978 a few weeks after they had met. Together with this series, in the same book, the photographer's Last Trip to Venice 1985 collection is also featured. This series presents photographs from Seiichi and Christine’s very last trip, before Christine took her own life.

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