A Conversation With Sarah Ellison

Sarah Ellison is a leading Australian interior stylist and product designer based in Byron Bay, Australia. Recognized for her innovative yet down-to-earth interior aesthetic, Sarah uses coffee table books as a major source for design inspiration.

What is your Personal Philosophy When it Comes to Creativity in the Interior Design Realm?

Exceptional interiors and design tell a story through a unique point of view. It’s that point of view that creates connection and when we have connection we feel joy and that’s what great interiors can do, bring joy into our lives.

How Would You Describe Your Design Aesthetic? 

My aesthetic is warm, sculptural, sensory minimalism.

What Inspires You During Your Design Process? 

History will always be my first reference point, I believe all the best things have already been designed, but it’s our job to reinterpret them for a new audience and in a new way. I also believe that nature does it best so it will always be a constant form of inspiration.

What Role do Books Play in Your Design Process?

When the books come out, you know things are about to become serious!! I love books for my big projects. When I want to dive deep into understanding a theme better, books are my go-to for extracting ideas and details I’m inspired by. When you start the process with books you are designing from an intelligent and informed place which is so important in a successful design process.

I also love to look at layout, graphic design and fonts that may help inspire in some way. When I design my collections, I’m not just designing a piece of furniture, I’m designing an aesthetic a look and a feel, I’m thinking about how we will present it to our customers at the end and how we will shoot it….so there are many different elements to the process of designing a collection at SARAH ELLISON. and books are the richest place to start.

Do you prefer digital or print as a source of Inspiration?

Honestly I use both, depends how deep I need to go. Books set a tone and pace for the design process that is very important and overlooked these days. There’s something really lovely and tactile about flicking through the pages of a book that you won’t ever achieve scrolling through social media.

What do you think books bring to a space & why are home libraries important? 

Home libraries are a way to chronicle your life and journey. I always find it so fascinating looking back at my favourite design books from 10 years ago, they feel so dated, but there are certain pages that I’m still in love with now and I find that so inspiring, so for me they can act as an educational tool. They add a decorative layer to your home, almost in the same way art does or act as a way of collecting and interests. For me the most amazing spaces are always the ones that speak of the people that live in the home and book are a wonderful way to illustrate this.

Can you describe what “sensory minimalism” means to you and how books play a role? 

Sensory Minimalism within interiors is about creating designs and spaces that appeal to the senses, creating forms that you want to experience, textiles that you want to touch and a level of excitement that invigorates your senses. It’s about not just considering what things look like but tapping in to all the senses to create an experience. Books play a part in this experience too, as there’s nothing more experiential then a beautiful thick coffee table book.

What Are Some Of Your Favourite Coffee Table Books Currently? 

I’ve chosen all of my favourites for the SE Bookclub! Super special for me though is The Last Days of Summer by my dear friend Akila Berjaoui and The New Mediterranean that features SE.

Shop Sarah’s picks below:


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