A Conversation with Anna Pihan

Anna Pihan is a travel, lifestyle and documentary photographer based between Sydney, Australia and Europe. Her visuals stand out by communicating a sense of leisure and “a calming visual escape”. She approaches the lens intuitively, capturing moments of beauty in the ordinary. We spoke with Anna who shares about her intuitive photography style, creative inspirations and favorite travel destinations.

What inspired you to become a photographer?

In my early twenties I got a job where I was traveling a lot and so naturally I picked up my camera and started photographing things around me. Looking through the viewfinder I would escape into a different world. 

Once Instagram happened I was able to share these photos capturing beauty and my own perspective of things. In 2019, I started getting into film photography – I love the beautiful depth of colors, the suspense and surprise when you get film back from the lab.

How would you describe your photography style?

It's very intuitive at the time. I go out and walk a lot, whatever captures my eyes. Small details and beauty in the ordinary is what I capture. Before going to a new place, I always research and see what's around. 

I think of my work as a calming visual escape. I like to be open about how people perceive my photographs, for them to also be intuitive about how it makes them feel and what impact it has on them.

What is your favorite travel destination you’ve photographed?

Italy is always a favorite. I love the culture, colors and chaos. It's very beautiful. 

But, I have to say, going to Egypt earlier this year was magical. I was over at the Red Sea, a rugged coastline where the mountains meet the sea and then over to the west in the desert where the sunrises were like no other. Glimmering sun on salt lakes, donkey and cart - a step back in time.

It was an archaeological dream. The history down the Nile was incredible, watching people going about their everyday life and the beautiful chaos of a country filled with kindness and generousity.

Ischia, Italy

Red Sea, Egypt

What makes a great travel photograph?

A great travel photograph tells a story, draws in viewers and can stop time. Also, for the viewer to be able to look into the photo and see little details that they might connect with from their own country is important because it can help us realize that we're all quite similar. 

Aside from travel, who/what inspires you?

My dad was an architect so I was always on construction sites and around unique building designs. I’ve always loved architecture and wherever I'm traveling I look up different case study houses, architects or grand buildings. 

I guess it’s travel related but I also love hotels. My favorites are Hotel La Colombe d’Or in France and Al Moudira Hotel in Egypt. I could say I'm also inspired, subconsciously, by languages and culture. There really is beauty all around us and constant inspiration.

Al Moudira Hotel

Hotel La Colombe d’Or

What do you wish to communicate through your work? 

I'd like to communicate a sense of leisure, which is also the message of the book, The Pleasure of Leisure. Being able to escape somewhere, daydream and let the creativity run free, even for just a few minutes.

Do you have any special projects in the works you can share with us?

Very excited to announce that we will do a limited-edition reprint of our first book 'The Pleasure of Leisure' with a golden twist. Hint, hint.

And soon to be releasing a new print collection, for armchair travels to the South of France, Egypt and more.

What are 3 things you always travel with? 


-Lots of film 

-Notebook + pen (I keep a travel journal everywhere I go.)

What is currently on your bookshelf? 

-The Pleasure of Leisure

-Shapes Out of Nowhere

-Louis Vuitton Fashion Eye (Bali, Greece and Iran edition)

-Cy Twombly Homes & Studios

-Rare Copy of Mario Testino: Let Me In

Shop Anna’s photo prints below:


A Conversation with Julie Wolfe